Options for Affiliate Partners
The Gambling City network of over 900 portals offers novel joint promotions and ways to increase exposure.
The only financial model is Revenue Share which is the only fair method for both parties.
It would be a good idea for you to register on Gambling City so you can see what is done and assess how you can collaborate to your benefit. Use the top right hand box on Gambling City to register
The Gambling Portals network deals with over 1,000 Casinos, Sports Books, Poker Rooms and Bingo Rooms.
Relative Exposure is based on the RANKING on Gambling City of each casino.
The Gambling City Recommendations in 25 categories are also based on the RANKING of the casino. The Casinos with the 15 highest RANKINGS appear on the Gambling City Home Page RECOMMENDED LIST.
The 50 lowest ranked Casino Groups appear in the BLACKLIST in reverse order of RANKING
Your RANKING is improved by numerous factors including the following:
- High net commission (after deductions if any). There is a graded scale which increases exponentially
- Speedy payments of commission
- Speedy response to requests to confirm Cash Back claims
- Ring-fencing of big winners if normally have negative carry-over
- Casino will re-tag player to Gambling City at the player's request (please let us know Affiliates@GamblingCity.com)
- Re-registration allowed so player can be tagged to Gambling City (please let us know Affiliates@GamblingCity.com)
- Additional account allowed so player can be tagged to Gambling City (please let us know Affiliates@GamblingCity.com)
- High earnings per click that Gambling City sends to you
- Voted Best Casino in any of 24 categories by Gambling City members. Only one employee per casino can vote. More will void all votes
- Fast / helpful responses to correspondence and requests
- Gambling Grumbles matter successfully mediated
- Resetting of negatives
- No bundling of casinos
- Offering of exclusive bonus to Gambling City users
Your RANKING is decreased by numerous factors including the following:
- Non-Payment of Commission
- Dishonest practices such as De-Tagging of Players, Shaving of Commission, Incorrect or Inadequate Reporting, Cross-Marketing to cut out Gambling City
- Not resetting Negatives at month-end
- Gambling Grumbles reports not adequately resolved
- Non-response or no cooperation on Gambling Grumbles or Cash Back promotion.
- Group appears in Hall of Shame
- Changing Terms unilaterally / without notification
- Slow payment of commission
- Deducting all bonuses issued even if player loses the bonus and has met wagering requirements
- Predatory Terms
- Breach of Agreement
- Bonus to players not honored
- Voted Worst Casino by GC members
- Spamming the Gambling City Forums
- Not replying to correspondence
To bypass the above Ranking System and increase your exposure, here are some features Gambling City offers.
Gambling City shares some of its commission with members. Please see Cash Back Program.
Special Cash Backs deals from Casinos can be featured prominently if an extra revenue share percentage is paid by the casino to Gambling City which can in turn be passed on to the player.
This cash back payment is made by Gambling City and is in addition to any benefits, bonuses, promotions and cash backs given by the casino to the player.
To view this feature fully, please register for the Cash Back scheme.
We invite you to respond to or initiate comments on:
- Forums: There are a couple of Forums (Promotions & Messages from Casinos) on which operators can post about their casinos. If links are included they must be Gambling City tracking links. Of course you can comment on any other Forum.
- Your Casino Details page: You can find your casino details page using the first item on the Gambling City Search
- Gambling Grumbles reports. Use the search on Gambling Grumbles to find if there are any reports on your casino.
By offering Bonuses that are exclusive to Gambling City visitors, you will feature more prominently in the Bonus Listings which are featured on many of the home pages. This works best if coupled with an exclusive landing page.
Weekly mailings of new Exclusive Bonuses are sent to members.
Each Casino has a dedicated page providing information on Bonuses, Games Available, Promotions, Payment and Withdrawal method, Jurisdiction, Software, Geographical Restrictions on Players, Press Releases, Reviews, Forum about the Casino, Screen Shots, Free Games and any other relevant information.
Players are encouraged to consult this page before registering so it would be beneficial to send us any information or modifications you feel should be incorporated.
One way to find your Casino Details Page is to click on Search in the main menu and to select the name of your casino in the drop down list.
This is an excellent low-cost way to get exposure on the sites. With suitable terms, it can also be used to generate additional registrations and deposits. For details and examples of existing Raffles and the prizes and terms being offered, please see: Raffles
The Auctions are active and provide an excellent low-cost opportunity for greater exposure on the sites and for acquisition of new players.
For details and examples of existing Auctions and the prizes and terms being offered, please see: Auctions
One email message is sent per month to The Gambling Portals members promoting a single casino.
Charge: The payment is based on the normal Revenue Share arrangement with Gambling City.
Please email to reserve a slot and to send the HTML of the mailing you would like to use.
Canvass your visitors and players to vote for your casinos.
Extra exposure of the results is given on sites in the network. A weekly mailing to Gambling City members is sent to tell them of any new voting awards.
For top positions you receive a trophy that can be displayed even if your ranking subsequently slips down.
Apart from the extra exposure, extra revenue is likely to be generated. The listings are used as recommendations.
See the Voting Feature".
Only one employee per casino can vote. More will void all votes
Many Members of Gambling City constantly are on the lookout for New Casinos. So whenever you open a new Casino, Sports Book, Bingo Site or Poker Site, please let us know.
The information is displayed in a feature to bring New Casinos to the attention of visitors and members and a weekly mailing is sent to members.
Customised Landing Pages for the Gambling City network.
This could include any exclusive bonus available only to members of GC.
The Gambling Portals is always happy to exchange links with its affiliate partners in order mutually to improve Search Engine rankings. In the absence of any such arrangement all links to casinos are “nofollow".
These are tailor made banners and incorporate all bonuses and special features of a particular casino, generally with rotating frames.
This is for casinos appearing on any Recommended list on GC. Please write to check if you qualify.
Members are updated by regular Watch Lists. They can unsubscribe to any that are not of interest.
Here is the current schedule:
Voting Results: Sunday
Gambling Grumbles Reports: Monday
Bonuses and Exclusive Bonuses: Tuesday
New Casinos & Recently Added Casinos: Wednesday
Promotions & Tournaments: Thursday
Special Mailings: Friday
Richard General Business Matters
Margaret Cash Back and AR
Sky Revenue Share Agreements, New Casinos, Mailings, Banners, Bonuses, Tournaments, Promotions, Articles, Reviews, Exclusive Bonuses