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Haunted Casino Stories

Author: Skyla Burrell

Most everyone enjoys a good ghost story. Gambling City has collected some of the most famous otherworldly casino ghost stories. We shall leave the reader to render their own opinions as to the legitimacy of the accounts therein!

Canfield Casino
Located in historic Saratoga Springs, New York, the Canfield opened in the late 1800s. The owner was a former boxer and had three stern rules, no women, no locals, and cash only. Reports of ghosts go back over 200 years and include a Victorian-era woman in white and the smell of cigar smoke. Ghost hunters brought on to investigate found that most of the activity originated from the third floor. Though no longer taking bets, the Canfield is still open to rent for the evening, if you are not afraid of ghosts!

Bally’s Resort and Casino
Las Vegas has all sorts of ghost stories, but Bally’s has been more active than any other. Perhaps this is due to the casino being rebuilt upon the charred site of MGM Hotel, the location of one of the worst hotel fires in US history, and where 80+ people lost their lives. Sightings and events are reported the most between the 19th and 25th floors within the North Tower. Do not be surprised after a night on town to see translucent figures walking the halls!

Treasury Casino and Hotel
Located in Brisbane, Australia the Treasure Casino building was constructed in the early 1800s and is a staple of the local ghost tours taken by tourists. Prior to becoming a casino, the space housed many government offices. In 1937 an unlucky man fell to his death and is said to remain in the building, moving objects around the bar and thumping loudly on the ceiling!

Colorado Grande Casino
Cripple Creek, Colorado brings imagery of the wild west and the chase for gold to one’s mind. After decades of decline after the mines closed, the town brought back gambling in the 1990s. Maggie is the most notable guest at the casino which is also home to a small 7 room boutique hotel. Maggie is always dressed in white with her hair perfectly styled in an up-do, common for the turn of the century. Reports are she has been there longer than most of the business that occupied the space prior to the casino. Guests reports that Maggie loves to play the slots and likes to hang out on the 2nd and 3rd floors!

The Luxor
During the construction of this iconic pyramid-shaped casino in Las Vegas, 7 workers met untimely deaths that were covered-up by the casino. Guests have reported seeing random construction workers walking through the halls and multiple people have been driven to suicide by jumping off the apex of the pyramid. The Luxor also houses several items from the Titanic and visitors have reported apparitions near the collection. Although many may have met a violent end here, the ghosts are reported to be friendly!

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