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Petition to Ban Poker Pro Howard Lederer From The Aria – Las Vegas

Author: Neha Agrawal

Some people are just so petty when they practice narrow-minded actions, and think narrow-minded thoughts. I would have thought that a poker pro would be a man of the world, and therefore able to operate at a much higher level of intelligence. However, apparently this is not so of Las Vegas pro Nick DiVella – this party pooper is turning to all kinds of means, and ends, to petition to have Howard Lederer banned from the Aria.

Let me just explain a little more. Howard Lederer is the poker pro who was involved with the apparent shenanigans that went on with the mismanagement of Full Tilt Poker. Admittedly a whole lot of players were left in the lurch with funds owing to them, while Lederer got to keep his seven Mansions, luxury vehicles et al. However, in the USA I believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty, and the law is like this also in the saner parts of the world.

Nick DiVella has taken it upon himself to petition the Aria to ban the former Full Tilt player/part owner. His bug-bear seems to be that the Aria is his favourite place to play, and he has such a monumental ego that he believes it is his and any other poker players’ right to make Lederer feel unwelcome.

DiVella was understandably stopped at the door with his petition, and so wrote an open letter to the Aria to attempt to garner support. The letter was addressed to the “Executive Management of Aria Casino/Poker Room.” And he includes the Bellagio, as well as any other poker event around the world.

This imbecilic witch hunt has apparently gained traction. His inability to accommodate a competing narrative, makes me believe that perhaps professional poker players are not as smart as many make out they are. While there is some support for the petition to ban this pro, there is fortunately also some backlash regarding this infantile attitude. It is not for us to judge, this is what courts of law are for. But not only that – it is simply not done for others to pass judgement on fellow human beings.

While he believes it is ‘audacious’ for Lederer to show up and play poker. I believe it is even more audacious for DiVella to publicly declare what a bigot he is. How dare he judge him as a white collar criminal when Lederer has not even had his day in court. The next thing you know DiVella will be petitioning for public stoning.

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